Thursday, September 27, 2012

Picture Day!

Picture day 2012 started out as a disaster. I bought her this dress a while back and thought it would be cute for picture day and Samantha could not wait to wear it. That is until the morning of picture day. We had gone out the night before for new shoes to match and everything all for her to just throw a fit while getting dressed. She wanted to wear a fancy, poufy dress and I said no. She said all the girls were going to wear that. At 7:05 am, there I was, ironing a poufy dress. I was so mad. Finally she gave in because we were running really late. At the end of the day, she was happy with her outfit and said she would have been embarrassed in the poufy one because no one was wearing a fancy dress.

The drama has begun...


Ashley said...

Sammy looks so cute, love the dress and shoes! Park was ok with the dress this morning but threw a fit because she wanted to wear pink pants instead of white. She told me later that they weren't that bad, but she had complained to her friend the whole way to school, ha.

Michelle said...

Parker looked super cute for her picture day too. Sammy ended up liking her dress too.