Oops. Sam's graduation picture posted last. Just a few things... The weather has been nice in the evening, so we've been going to the park a lot and just hanging out outside.

Matt wants to be just like his sister. He insists on doing everything she can do, like ride a bike.

He can also brush his own teeth. He even knows to rinse the brush when he's done.

This is the new ride! I grew up with a wagon (the more dangerous kind with removable sides) and I loved it. The kids love the wagon too.

Sam's mom had a party at her house for a combined "May" party. Sam's bday and graduation, his cousin Ronny's graduation, his Aunt Becca's bday, cousin Hannah's bday, and Meagan's confirmation. The cake read: "Happy Everything to Everyone!" lol.
The pool was pretty cold, but everyone insisted on swimming, even Matt, which I wasn't prepared for (that's why he's naked.) The kid has like 10 pairs of trunks, but did I think to pack any? Nope.

Sam graduated! He still has 2 classes this summer and then he's officially done. He will get his BSN in August. He applied for the Nurse Practitioner program at UTEP and, if he gets in, he'll start in the spring. So proud of him!
Oh, and last night we finally got some RAIN! It 's been 115+ days with no rain, so it was nice. It only lasted 10 minutes, but I'll take it.