This is her new toy that Sam and I picked out. Samantha generally ignores it, but I had to put her on it for a picture. It also stands up so she can walk and push it, but she almost fell on her face, so I have to be careful.
That's all the news for now. I promise to update this thing more often :)
Yay for a first tooth!!! :D
She is so stinking cute!
Can't wait to hang out with you ladies!!!
Lindsey and Makayla
So glad to hear she finally poked her first tooth through. She looks so happy on her new toy. Enjoy her, I can hardly believe myself that she is already 9 months. WoW has time flown by. Enjoy your summer together. Miss you all. Melissa
yaye for the tooth! Can you see it now or still just feel it?
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