I really need to write on this thing more often. I have just been so busy lately, as the title suggests. I've been trying to do homework and papers and projects and I don't really care anymore. I am sooooo done with school.
Samantha is not helping with the stress either. She has had a really rough week. She cries as soon as she realizes she's going to daycare. Then she screams when I leave. they tell me she settles down as soon as I leave and when I pick her up she's playing and happy as can be. I think it's just a separation anxiety phase. Then I started her on some nasty antifungal medicine because she seems to have a fungal infection in one of her toenails. GROSS. This stuff has made her irritable and restless and her appetite is gone. Well come to find out this crap can really damage your liver and I'm scared to give it to her. Apparently topical medications are pretty bad too. So now I have to let her just be with her nasty toe?
Then Sam decides to send me an i phone (that I don't want). I just need a simple phone. So now I have to go to the att store and pick out a new one. I was perfectly happy btw with my current provider and phone. Thanks for adding to my list of things to do, Sam.
I can't get too mad. He was trying to do something nice and I miss him terribly. He'll be here this Friday and I'm sure this week is going to drag. It sucks that I have to be in school the whole week he's here. I have a prokect due and he's gonna spend a lot of time with Samantha so I can get it done. A twenty minute presentation and a 10 page paper in physics that's about a geiger counter and a smoke detector. Doesn't that sound like the most awesomest thing ever? Are you excited? I know I am.
It's late and I need sleep.