I'm so relieved. I finished the horrific 10 page physical science paper with accompanying power point. It took 3 hours in the library this morning to put finishing touches on it and now it's done! I still have the presentation tomorrow. I also picked up all the stuff for my graduation gown...it's all finally sinking in that I'll be done soon.
Samantha still has a bad cough so I'm taking her to the doctor this wednesday for a check up. Here are a few pictures from this week:
Here she is in Mimi's backyard.

An awesome mowhawk

This entertained her for an hour. She just kept pouring the water back and forth from the different cups.
Congratulations on being done with your paper! And you're almost graduating! Wow!!! Good for you.
Samantha is looking ever so cute these days. Love the mohawk!! :D So, are you guys still staying in Texas??
yaye for graduation!!!
Love the pics, hope her cough goes away, maybe it's allergies? I think Will might have them, everytime we go for a walk he has more boogies!
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