I like this picture, she looks like those cartoon dogs with the big heads. Yes, that's a banana on the floor. She loves them.
We had a Dragon Fiesta at the school I'm interning at. It's a way for the different departments and programs to raise money. It was pretty fun and Samantha got her face painted. Here she is sitting in the clinique make up chair afterwards. We went to the mall to pick up some stuff after the school thing and everyone was laughing because she kept looking at her face paint in the mirror.
Love the new pictures!
And I love the new picture you guys at the top of your blog...so cute!
Thanks for the tips with Makayla...I definitely be sure to try them and I'm so ready to be done breastfeeding!! :)
Sama is so cute! love her butterfly (I can just imagine her saying it in a lil kid voice)
anyways, DH means Dear Husband. A lot of people use it & I thought I'd try it, felt awkward. lol. call you later!
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