We went to Petland with every intention of spending about $20 for a goldfish, a bowl, and some rocks. We were told by the guy that worked there that goldfish were kinda dirty and the bowl needs to be cleaned often. Plus, I was really grossed out about having to put the fish in a cup for cleanings. Long story short: We ended spending about $100 on a fish tank, rocks, vacuum, thermometer, water conditioner, decorative backsplash, and two guppies that cost $3.65 each.
Sammy doesn't seem very interested in them, so great. Our plan has failed.
We bought two male guppies and Samantha named the black and silver one Mickey and the orange and blue one Dorothy (like the goldfish in Elmo's World)
Here she is singing a song she learned in daycare a while back. She developed a renewed interest in it when she learned how to make the "pop" sound with her finger in her mouth. Here are the lyrics:
"Two fat sausages sitting in a pan
One went "pop" and the other went BAM!"
Oh my gosh, she is so cute!!! I love her little voice!!
Hopefully Sammy will start to like the fish. Why did they say that would help her stay in bed, though?
I want to know the all the steps! New Blog! haha
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