Thursday, February 26, 2009

A break from homework

As the title states, I'm taking a break from my homework. My brain is fried and I need to vent a little. Today I decided to take the bottle away from Samantha cold turkey. She was doing great all day until it came time for bed. She usually goes to sleep by 7:30, but tonight it was more like 9:30. Here's what happened: I gave her a cup of milk after her bath and she wanted nothing to do with it and I struggled with her for about an hour. Then I gave her a different cup with Elmo on it and she sucked that down pretty fast, but sleep had evaded her. So I bust out with the pacifier. She has never liked it and tonight was no exception. She kept laughing and trying to stick it in my mouth. Ha ha. So I turned off the lights and laid down in bed with her. She tossed and turned for another hour and pulled my hair. I had a ton of homework and I couldn't take it anymore so I got her a bottle and stuck her in her crib and she was fast asleep. So I think I decided to let her have her bottle at night, I need my sanity. I swear she's going to be in kindergarten with a bottle tucked under her arm.

Back to homework. I HATE IT!!!!!! My mind does not want to focus anymore. I have so many other things going on that school work is kinda low on the totem pole.

1 comment:

the Shipe's said...

ah, she'll be fine. It's good that you decided to do something & that she went all day without one! A LOT of kids have a bottle (or the boob) before bed for a long time after they have given it up during the day. It's comforting. Eventually she'll be ready to move on to the next step.
have a great weekend